Our Majestic Bouquet is a cheerful bouquet for birthdays or anytime you want to celebrate or send sunshine, it nearly overflows with orange and red gerberas, yellow roses, red lilies and sunflowers.
Standard arrangement is shown in the picture.
$119.00 – $574.00
Our Majestic Bouquet is a cheerful bouquet for birthdays or anytime you want to celebrate or send sunshine, it nearly overflows with orange and red gerberas, yellow roses, red lilies and sunflowers.
Standard arrangement is shown in the picture.
Mylar Balloons |
None ,One ,Three ,Two |
Teddy Bear |
Large ,Medium ,None ,Small ,Teddy bear 5 feet ,Teddy bear 7 feet |
Greeting Card |
Greeting Card ,None |
Size |
Deluxe ,Premium ,Standard |
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