Sending a flower bouquet to wish someone to get well soon is the best gift you can offer a family member, friend or co-worker who fell sick and stayed at home or got admitted to hospital. Everyone gets happy and thrilled when receiving some flowers! Also, when your loved one does not feel well, flower bouquets are a thoughtful gift that gives them happiness and joy and helps them recover faster.
The Green Garden Florist Team recommends bright, and cheerful colours like red, orange, purple, pink, fuchsia, yellow and green!
Now, let’s go over the meaning of each colours stated previously briefly, however, we do think that yellow and green are essential flower colours that represent “get well soon”. You might be wondering why so, let us explain:
Yellow is the colour of sunshine which is very cheerful and warm! It brings out your happiness, energy and freshness. This colour expresses friendship and warm wishes. Some studies had shown that yellow increases the mental activity, build confidence and stimulate the nervous system.
Green is the colour of nature, life, freshness and hope. Most people think that, it is the most peaceful and relaxing colour and has a healing power. It helps reduce anxiety, depression and stress which can be very helpful for a person who is sick or doesn’t feel well.
Red, orange, pink, purple are also great colours which delivers their own strong messages.
Red is the colour of love, passion, strength and energy. It can create confidence and reduce fears and increase energy and enthusiasm.
Orange is the colour of energy, happiness, joy and health. It reduces disappointment and brings hope.
Pink is the colour of birth, sweetness, friendship and inner peace.
Fuchsia is a hot pink that does not resemble light pink. It’s a colour of playfulness and being happy and bold.
As purple, it is a combination of red and blue and represents the love and energy of red and stability of blue. It is also the colour of power, independence and magic.
Blue is the colour of the sky and the sea that both represents freedom, peace, sincerity which can be relaxing.
While all the colours have their own meanings, their combination brings up a harmonious feeling and delivers a great message to make people happy and peaceful.
Moreover, At Green Garden Florist, we always ask about the gender of the recipient to make an appropriate flower arrangement. While some colours like pink, lavender and fuchsia resemble feminine colours, they can be used with other cheerful colours for women’s flower bouquets. For men, masculine colours like red, yellow and orange are recommended.
With all these information now, you are an expert in choosing the right flower colours for your loved one to remind them how much you love and care for them. If you need any more flower tips or a flower arrangement, feel free to contact Green Garden Florist, your number one quality flower company in Toronto! Our floral team will be glad to prepare bright birthday bouquets, elegant wedding arrangements or stunning flower arrangements for any occasion!